About Our Club
We are a group of RC pilots that focus on F5J in Southern California. We organize practices, local contests, and we host an F5J USA Tour contest every April in Perris California. Sometimes we run small informal practice contests, other times we get together to help each other with setting up and trimming out new F5J planes.

Our primary communication vehicle is RC Groups. Our club RCG thread is here. When we coordinate local contests and practices we use texts and emails.
Member dues
There are no dues. We have no official “home” field and thus we have no home field maintenance work or expenses. If we ever have a need for club funds we may pass the hat around for voluntary donations but at this time we do not see that happening.
How to join our group
F5J in LA is open to new members who enjoy RC soaring contesting and competition electric gliders. If you are interested contact Warren Day and let him know about your interest.

Information Links
For more F5J in LA info: contact Warren Day
F5J contesting info: General info about the F5J contest format and rules.