ARTICLE I: CLUB NAME AND PURPOSE. NorCal Electric Soaring (NES) is an RC soaring club that focuses primarily on organizing and hosting F5J USA Tour contests in Northern California. We also host occasional monthly F5J contests at fields in northern California. We also have occasional practices that focus on electric F5J competition soaring. We communicate with members via an email list.
A. LOCATION. NES does not have a home field. Instead we fly at various fields in Northern California depending on wind and field availability.
ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP AND DUES. NES is open to new members who enjoy RC soaring contesting and competition electric gliders and who are AMA members. There are no dues. We have no field maintenance work or expenses. If we ever have a need for club funds we may ask for voluntary donations. Prospective members can request to be put on the roster by contacting the club. If they are approved by a majority of officers then they will be put on the roster. Members can request to be removed from the roster at any time. Membership is subject to ongoing approval of the club officers.
ARTICLE III: OFFICERS. President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Safety Officer. Officers are appointed as required.
All flight operations and practices will follow AMA safety rules and procedures.
There are no club meetings or elections.
The club does not maintain any bank account or financial records.
Revision date: Nov 3, 2020