(updated 1-30-2022)
This page contains a table of F5J-related videos. The default sort order is newest videos first but can be changed by clicking ↑ or ↓ in any column heading. Search works across all columns instantly as you type e.g. type “2020” to see all videos from that year, or “AZ” to see all Arizona videos, or “Ali” to see all videos from Ali Khani. Enjoy!

Video titleDateLocationAuthorTypeNotes
F5J electric soaring competition: A tutorial2014---Samu MantyniemiTutorial4 mins
F5J Eurotour Weilheim2016EU-WeilheimtomashrubyContestNote 1
EU F5J contest series2019-2013EuropeJure PečarLibraryNote 2
F5J Tisza Cup2015EU-HungaryJure PečarContestNote 3
F5J German Open 2013 EU-WeilheimJure PečarContestNote 4
F5J German Open2014EU-WeilheimJure PečarContestNote 5
F5J South Moravia Cup2014EU-Czech RepJure PečarContestNote 6
F5J Holič flyoffs & refly2013EU-Slovak RepJure PečarContestNote 7
Flightcomp video library2022-2016USAAli KhaniLibraryNote 8
What is F5J? A tutorial2021-04 AprUSAAli KhaniTutorial35 mins
F5J at the Ranch2021-10 OctUSA-AZAli KhaniContest56 mins
Buzz Averill Memorial F5J2021-07 AugUSA-NMAli KhaniContest33 mins
F5J in Visalia #22021-06 JuneUSA-CAAli KhaniContest1hr 10min
F5J in So. Calif2021-04 AprUSA-CAAli KhaniContest46 mins
Southwest Classic F5J2021-02 FebUSA-AZAli KhaniContest42 mins
F5J in the Desert2020-12 DecUSA-AZAli KhaniContest31 mins
North/South F5J Challenge2020-10 OctUSA-CAAli KhaniContest37 mins
F5J in the Rockies2020-09 SeptUSA-DenverAli KhaniContest26 mins
F5J in Visalia #22020-07 JulUSA-CAAli KhaniContest21 mins
F5J in Visalia #12020-06 JuneUSA-CAAli KhaniContest17 mins
Southwest Classic F5J2020-02 FebUSA-AZAli KhaniContest21 mins
North/South F5J Challenge2019-11 NovUSA-CAAli KhaniContest17 mins
Kravi Hora F5J2019-06 JuneEU-Czech RepAli KhaniContest13 mins
Visalia F5J #22019-06 JuneUSA-CAAli KhaniContest13 mins
F5J in Vegas2019-05 MayUSA-NVAli KhaniContest20 mins
F5J in Visalia #12019-03 MarUSA-CAAli KhaniContest13 mins
Low level thermaling practice2018-07 JulUSA-CAAli KhaniPractice6 min
F5J in the Rockies2018-06 JuneUSA-DenverAli KhaniContestNote 9
F5J in Visalia #12018-03 MarUSA-CAAli KhaniContest6 mins
F5J in the Desert2017-12 DecUSA-AZAli KhaniContestNote 10
Samba Cup F5J2017-09 SepEU-Czech RepAli KhaniContestNote 11
Buzz Averill Memorial F5J2017-07 AugUSA-NMAli KhaniContest6 mins
F5J in Hollister2017-07 JulUSA-CAAli KhaniContest4 mins
F5J in Visalia #22017-06 JuneUSA-CAAli KhaniContestNote 12
F5J in the Desert2016-12 DecUSA-AZAli KhaniContestNote 13
Top 10 Tour award ceremony 2021-12 DecUSA-AZChris BajorekF5J USA Tour19 mins
Samba Cup F5J2021-09 SepEU-Czech RepJo GriniContestNote 14
Samba Cup F5J2021-09 SepEU-Czech RepVenda VendovicContest6 mins
Samba Cup F5J2021-09 SepEU-Czech RepRobert BartokContest3 mins
Samba Cup F5J2021-09 SepEU-Czech RepRadim BarčContest22 mins
1st F5J World Champ.-Senior fly-offs2019-08f AugEU-Slovak RepJure PečarContestNote 15
1st F5J World Champ.-Day 32019-08c AugEU-Slovak RepJure PečarContest25 mins
1st F5J World Champ.-Day 42019-08d AugEU-Slovak RepJure PečarContest49 mins
F5J World Cup-Trnava2019-08 AugEU-Slovak RepJure PečarContestNote 16
F5J Trešnjevka Cup2019-10 OctEU-CroatiaJure PečarContest47 mins
F5J Slovakia-Holic2010-07 JulEU-Slovak RepMatic SevšekContestNote 17
Krsko F5J 2010-04 AprEU-Slovak RepMatic SevšekContestNote 18
House Mountain F5J2021-06 JuneUSA-TNgregory finneyContest9 mins
F5J EuroCup 2008-06 JuneEU-Slovak Rep2solar2solarContestNote 19
1st F5J World Champ.-Day 52019-08e AugEU-Slovak RepJure PečarContest21 mins
1st F5J World Champ.-Day 22019-08b AugEU-Slovak RepJure PečarContest43 mins
1st F5J World Champ.-Day 12019-08a AugEU-Slovak RepJure PečarContest40 mins
F5JinLA monthly #12022-01 JanUSA-CAAli KhaniContestNote 20
North/South F5J Challenge2022-14 MayUSA-CAAli KhaniContest1hr 24min

Note 1 – Classic low altitude launch “battle” during first fly-off round.

Note 2 – The F5J community was fortunate to have Jure Pečar record many regional contests through 2019. If you have never flown F5J they are fun and educational to watch.

Note 3 – (30mins) This video covered the fly-off rounds. As you watch note how many pilots are flying. Remember, only the top 30% of pilots are in the fly-offs so you can see how popular F5J is in Europe. You’ll see some pilots who gambled too low on launch and paid the price. Otherwise lots of good low-altitude flying to watch.

Note 4 – (26mins) This is a great demonstration of a contest task where everyone took a shot at staying very low for maximum points. Start viewing at 5:35 for the launch and low altitude gaggle where 3 planes finally made it up with lots of good thermaling while 2 failed after giving their best. This is what F5J is all about. Note the smooth steady thermal circling by the pilots.

Note 5 – (39 mins) The following year’s F5J contest in Weilheim. A cloudy day but still good air for many.

Note 6 – (52 mins) Another example of F5J contest tasks attempted by aggressive pilots who take low launch altitudes mostly over a grove of apricot trees. The risk of tangling with the treetops is evident.

Note 7 – (30 mins) Since this video is just of the fly-off rounds the pilots are all flying aggressively i.e. attempting low altitude Start Heights. Here are times for some specific events:
1:20 Low altitude launches, fly-off round 1.
12:30 Low altitude launches, fly-off round 2.
14:50 Midair collision, round 2.
18:30 Details of the plane damage from the midair at 14:50.
21:00 Low altitude launch, refly round.
22:00 A truly amazing very low altitude launch. Tight turns on a wingtip and up she goes!

Note 8 – Video library from Ali Khani at Flightcomp. Ali’s library is packed with fun/exciting F5J contest videos and informative F5J flight and glider construction videos.

Note 9 – From Ali: “My first time flying F5J in Denver, great field and good bunch of guys! Weather was generally good but challenging. Heavy rain and wind came in just before fly-off rounds so they were cancelled. Crazy mid air collision between 3 models at 5:30”

Note 10 – From Ali: “The field at Queen Creek is very good and this event has a good turnout from all over the USA. Really fun event. Conditions were calm, light wind, and light lift. Uber light floaty models reigned supreme, so 6 of the 10 fly-off models being Ultimas. ”

Note 11 – (8 mins) From Ali: “This year conditions were not as ideal as last summer. Very strong wings prevailed Saturday sending everyone scrambling for strong models and lots of ballast. Cold and rainy weather moved in on Sunday.”

Note 12 – From Ali: “Very hot conditions, mild winds for most of the contest, picking up for fly-offs. Challenging lift with water and green crops all around the field. ”

Note 13 – This was the first F5J USA Tour event! Dec 2016 at Queen Creek AZ hosted by EVEF (now SWSS).

Note 14 – (9 mins) Beautiful aerial scenery and ground shots from the Samba Cup 2021.  114 pilots and 14 lanes in event.

Note 15 – (1hr 18mins) For exciting write-ups of the USA F5J WC team at the first F5J World Championships see the 2019 September and November F5J USA Tour newsletters here.

Note 16 – (1hr 12min) This is a FAI F5J World Cup event, a competition before the 1st F5J World Championship. 185 pilots competed, making it the largest F5J event ever flown (as of Dec 2021).

Note 17 – (10 min) This is another early F5J competition in Slovakia.

Note 18 – (9 min) This is an early F5J event in Slovakia. Note that Jure Pečar flew in this very early F5J contest and placed well! Also note that the transmitters used by the pilots in this event were not 2.4 yet.

Note 19 – (4 mins, 2008) This is the earliest video record of F5J competition from the region where true F5J was born: in Slovakia. In 2010 the USA started ALES.

Note 20 – (29 min) This is the first 2022 monthly F5J for the F5JinLA club, 23 pilots attending in Perris California. Beautiful weather for a January event!